iPhone 4s wifi grayed out temporary fix

I am facing issues of WiFi button grayed out and battery draining very fast after upgrading from iOS 7.0 to iOS 7.0.3. I have been searching through internet right after this issue happened with my iDevice. My three colleagues don't have problems after upgrading to iOS 7.0.3 except for one saying battery draining is fast. Many people tried putting their iPhone's into freezer and I am one of them and it got fixed temporarily for at least 5 minutes. I kept it in freezer for 20 minutes and WiFi button reappeared. Interesting information, when in freezer it contracts hardware parts and WiFi reappears and again after sometime due to heat WiFi button gets grayed out again. You can see device logs by downloading iPhone configuration utility. Also I can see kernel panic logs related to WiFi inside iPhone diagnostic which you can see (if you have any) by going in Settings -> General -> About -> Diagnostic & Usage -> Diagnostic & Usage Data. Now question is,...