How to create syntax highlighter using jQuery

Today I am going to show you how to create a basic code highlighter for website. This UI is actually inspired by . I have added functionality of showing line numbers. Following things will be covered How to add line numbers How to highlight single line comments i.e. those lines which starts with // How to highlight comment blocks i.e. those lines which are enclosed within /* */ Live Demo Download Code To use this code highlighter you have to wrap your code inside <pre> tags. Really there is nothing new in it. It is the same traditional old method. <code> tag is another way of adding code into your post. However there is a difference between <pre> and <code> tag. To give analogy of their working I would give example of <div> and <span> respectively. This means <pre> is a block tag and <code> tag can be used inline. One important thing we need to consider is, in WordPress ...